Application Process
Applying to EHCA is easy! Below are the steps for the application process. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Gina Evans.
1. Complete the online admission application.
To begin the application process, set-up an account with EHCA’s online application portal. Once your account is set-up, log in and complete the online admission application. A non-refundable fee must be submitted with each Preschool-8th application.
2. Submit all required documents.
Use the online application portal to submit birth certificate and other required documents identified during the application process. These documents vary by grade but may include transcripts, discipline reports and references.
3. Admission Assessment
EHCA’s Administrator will be in touch to set up an interview and schedule testing dates if necessary.
4. If applying for Tuition Assistance, complete the Tuition Assistance Application.
This step can be skipped if not applying for tuition assistance. EHCA offers need-based financial assistance to families with a legitimate financial need as determined by a third-party assessment of the family’s individual profile. Families applying for financial assistance need to complete an online application and submit the required documentation (processing fee required). Applications are available here in the Grant and Aid section. The board will use the eligibility assessment to allocate the distribution of financial assistance funds.
5. Decision
An admissions decision can take up to 30 days. You will be notified by email. Priority enrollment is offered to presently enrolled students before new families will be accepted.
Upon Acceptance
Upon acceptance, parents will be given ten days to return the enrollment contract with the non-refundable annual/registration fee to hold a space for their child. A student’s birth certificate must be verified, and up-to-date immunization records must be on file before a student is admitted (according to New Mexico law, up-to-date immunization records must be on file for the student to attend school).